Market Description
GSM is a Pan-European digital cellular standard for mobile communications via radio telephone. The Acronym GSM originally stood for Group Special Mobile; it now stands for Global System for Mobile communications. Conceived to provide commonality of operation between European countries, GSM is fast gaining acceptance worldwide (>18 countries) because of its availability and clear definition as a standard (GSM was the first digital cellular system to be used commercially). GSM can be used for either voice or data transmission.
GSM uses 200 kHz channels with 8 users per channel using TDMA, and has a vocoder rate of 13 kbits/s. Handsets are typically designed to operate from a 6 volt power supply, with a trend towards lower voltages (4.5 V, 3V) as technology (primarily set by the power chain) permits.
Links to more information:
GSM World - Official website of the GSM MoU Association. Lots of info on networks and service providers.
GSMag - Site with a focus on GSM-related markets and policies. - Wireless data over GSM
Introduction to GSM by Motorola
Articles on the advantages of GSM based systems by Ericsson
GSM Standard by Siemens