Left Hand Navigation Bar
- Overview and conventions
- The left hand navigation bar provides the primary means of navigation within HPRFhelp
- The navigation content changes to display options appropriate to the content of the page you are visiting.
- The page you are visiting is shown highlighted, e.g. as white text
- The path back up to the index of HPRFhelp appears above the name of the page visited. In some cases, multiple paths may be displayed. For pages residing at the top of the site, navigation to all major areas is displayed.
- Paths to other pages containing information related to the information on the page being visited are also shown, e.g. links to Selection Guides will appear on Product pages.
- Jumps to anchors on the page being displayed will appear indented below the name of the page being visited, and will be shown non-bolded. [Note: The Product Categories displayed at the top level of navigation are also shown non-bold to make this navigation easier to read; however in this case each Catagory listed leads to a separate page]
- Standard Navigation Features
- Search: HPRFhelp does not contain a search engine of its own. However, there is an excellent search engine on the Agilent Technologies web site, and HPRFhelp is posted there. The search button takes the user to the search engine on the Agilent Technologies web site. We recommend using the text search or the part number search. If you are using A CD ROM version of HPRFhelp, this button will not work unless you are logged onto the internet.
- Ask Us: This button will direct you to various sources of assistance we can provide outside of HPRFhelp.
- What's New: At the top level, this button giver an overview of the major changes in the content of HPRFhelp since the last revision. At lower levels, e.g. in the Product section, the What's New button gives more detailed information about changes in that section since the last revision. The links from the top level lead through the section specific "What's New" pages to the new information.
- How to Buy: The How to Buy button leads to information about authorized Agilent Technologies sales channels. This information will be accurate as of the last revision of HPRFhelp. For the most up to date information, please consult the
"How to Buy" page on Agilent Technologies' web site.
- The following font colors are used in HPRFhelp:
- Standard text.
- Obsolete products or publications
- Cautionary notes
- The graphic
is used to mark links that take the user outside of HPRFhelp
- When using any version of HPRFhelp supplied on CD ROM, these links will not function unless the user is also logged on to the internet.
- This graphic denotes jumps both to pages within Agilent Technologies' web site and to other pages on the internet. Agilent Technologies does not control and is not responsible for information outside of Agilent Technologies Web sites.
- HPRFhelp employs a heirarchical structure
- The top level contains the Index page, and other pages of global interest such as How to Buy, Assistance, Terms of Use, and so forth.
- The major Sections of HPRFhelp are: Products, Markets, Functions, Literature, Design Information, and the Glossary.
- The Products section provides detailed information about RF and Microwave semiconductor products available from Agilent Technologies. Products are grouped into Categories: Schottky Diodes, PIN Diodes, Bipolar Transistors, Field Effect Transistors, Amplifier ICs, Other RFICs, and VCOs &: Assemblies. Within each Catagory, products are presented in overview form by family. Data sheets for individual products are available from the family page in the form of pdf files. Family pages also collect all links to major support information about specific products, including available models, s parameters, literature, and demonstration circuits. Selection Guides by application and by specification are provided within most Product Categories.
- The Market section offers an alternative ways of selecting products. It also gives a brief overview of major market segments and provides links to user groups, standards bodies, and useful information available on other sites the internet.
- The Function section provides a third way of selecting products. It also provides a tutorial on the functionality encountered in common radio block diagrams, including information on significant specifications and their implications to system performance.
- The Literature section provides access to available literature in pdf format. Most indices are Alphanumeric, however Applications literature can also be selected by category.
- The Design Information section includes a variety of information that make product use easier: S parameter and model libraries, available demonstration circuits, and calculation tools including our popular AppCAD software in a Windows�-compatible version.
- The Glossary section defines terms encountered in the RF / Microwave world. It also includes an extensive Acronym list.
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