Gain is a measure of the amplification available from a component expressed as the ratio of
the output power to the input power. Gain is usually measured in
decibels (dB).
The gain of a microwave component is a function of the generator and
load impedance. There are a number of specific gains that are of special
interest to RF / microwave engineers.
Associated Gain (GA)
The tuned gain of a device when it is matched on the input for optimum
noise figure and matched on the output for minimum reflection.
GA = { (1-| opt|2)|S21|2} / {|(1-S11 opt)|2}
Maximum Available Gain (Gmax or MAG)
The tuned gain of an unconditionally stable device when it is matched for
minimal reflection (conjugately matched) at both the input and the output.
Gmax = |S21/S12| (k - SQR[k2-1])
Maximum Stable Gain (Gms or MSG)
The gain that would be achieved if a conditionally stable device were first
terminated with resistors to the point that it was unconditionally stable,
and then conjugately matched at both the input and the output.
Gms = |S21| / |S12|
Power gain (GP)
The tuned gain of a device when the output is presented with the
appropriate loadline L to produce some specified output power, and the input is matched for minimal reflection.
GP = |S21|2 (1-| L|2) / |1-S22 L|2
Small signal gain (Gss, or loosely, "Gain")
The gain measured with an amplifier operating in the linear region, and with
source and load impedances of 50 ohms. Small signal gain is normally
measured a minimum of 10 dB below the 1 dB gain compression point.
Transducer power gain (GT)
The unmatched gain in a 50 ohm system. It corresponds to the
S-parameter S21, and can be calculated from
GT = |S21|2.
Unilateral power gain (U)
The gain that would be achieved if the transistor were "unilateralized"
(feedback set to zero) and conjugately matched.
U = {1/2|S21/S12 - 1|2}/ {k |S21/S12| - Re(S21/S12)}
See also:
Generator Impedance, Impedance, Impedance Matching, Load Impedance, Reflection Coefficient, S-Parameters